Friday 17 October 2014


Today I am going to write about hobbies. But as I have a draft of a last class about sports and extracurricular activities (I never used it because I had the wrong topic), I will use the writing for this post. 
I chose this theme because I have always enrolled in as many extracurricular activities I could. When I started school I got to Italian dance lessons, at the same time I started doing gymnastics classes. I practicing Italian dance lasted only one year and four years in gymnastics. After that I enrolled in theater classes, but because we were very few registered, after 2 years the workshop ceased to exist. Then I started playing volleyball, but after 2 years I get bored of this sport and I started something new and more dynamic: artistic roller-skating.

Because at that time I did not want to stop doing some physical activity, I began playing football in the school. I had a great time practicing that sport.
I lasted two years playing football, and I went to a couple of school sports Olympics. I was never good in this sport, but I enjoyed a lot with my friends and make advantage of these sports outings. 

And now¿?  When I started college I became a sedentary person. One of my hobbies is reading literature; I like going to the cinema very much (at least once a month), I like going to the GAM to see plays, circus and art exhibitions. Is too hipster what I'm saying?   


  1. Nice about reading literature, but I think you have to do sports again, because of the physical condition and to release stress.

  2. It happened to me too!.
    When I was in the school I went surfing and played handball.
    Now I just ride my bike sometimes.
    I hope it will change soon.
    see you.

  3. do sports again Amanda, as Cristian said, it helps release stress, especially the academic one..

  4. Jaja I think that is not hipster jajaj is very intersting the literature and go to the cinema, bye!

  5. rollers are great! I learn to roller when I was a little kid :)
