Sunday 19 October 2014

Post 3: My Future Job

Hello classmates and professor, today I have to talk about my expectations regarding my future employment.

Last year this topic was very important for me, because I was studying law and I did not know if I really wanted to stay in that career. If I decided that I didn’t want to continuo this career, I had to think and decide what else to study.  Were difficult moments, especially because the social pressure that meant a career changes. I was very frustrated.

Finally, not very sure about my decision, I started studying Sociology. I think nobody really knows what the work of a sociologist, so I started my year with considerable uncertainty and without too many expectations.
I imagine my future job a little boring, indoor, always within an office. In summary: a very monotonous job.

I hope that my future won’t be like this, and I would like to include things that I like at work, like literature, art, music, some psychology, anthropology, etc. I am a very active person and I won’t to stay the rest of my life locked reading boring books. I would like to investigate topics that interest me, traveling, meeting different societies, do field work, including other disciplines within my studies.

That’s all! See you

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